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Manchester, United Kingdom
BA(Hons)Interactive Arts Student. Manchester Metropolitan University.

Saturday, 3 October 2009

Interactive Party

The first project of the first year studying Interactive Arts.

This was a group project and involved both first and second year students. The idea was to set up a party themed on a given artist and in our case it was "Heath Robinson" (1872-1944)

The first step was to do some research, as either due to lack of exposure or just first year ignorence we didn't have a clue about his work............but that quickly changed. A quick dash, (well kind of), to the drop in room and then the library and we were slightly more informed and had a direction to head in, but only a day of studio time to get there.

We discovered that Heath Robinson had produced a great deal of work predominantly in the form of cartoons and illustrations and was/is recognized mostly for his fantastic pictures of overly complecated inventions.

The "Heath Robinson" Party

We had lost several members of our group along the way, but thanks to the hard work of all involved and a big thanks to Liz for all the props (and cakes...mmmm!), we did it.

There was a slide show; a gramaphone playing music from the period (thanks Jay); a great selection of hats and oh have I mentioned the cakes?

Thanks all.

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