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Manchester, United Kingdom
BA(Hons)Interactive Arts Student. Manchester Metropolitan University.

Thursday, 14 April 2011

Clay Face

Revisiting a medium I grew very fond of during my Foundation year - Clay.

It seems only natural now that I seem to be continuing the work I started during my year at Stockport College, that being the exploration of the face. I have always been extremely keen on drawing, and have produced more than a few portraits over the year, most of which are produced in pencil or charcoal, which I love working with.

I think that sculpting with clay is a direct result of this. just as with a pencil where you can easily erase, smudge or draw over or completely start over, the same is true of clay. The big difference is that it is such a physical and I think maybe a more personal thing, maybe because of the contact you have with your work throughout the creative process.

Anyway, I was looking for another way to explore my current project, which to use a quote from my statement on the "Creative Transit" web site is"

 "....currently contrasting how we present ourselves to the world with how the world sees us. The face that we show to the world can be perceived as a mask; it is quite often completely disconnected from how we are truly thinking and feeling. "

 Wire Maquette

I have absolutely now idea hoe this is going to work out, as I said,m this is not the way I normally approach working with clay, but thats all part of the adventure...


Well I'm not convinced by the result, but as I said this is the first time I haven't worked from a solid lump of clay and there is still some work to be done, so onwards......