About Me

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Manchester, United Kingdom
BA(Hons)Interactive Arts Student. Manchester Metropolitan University.

Friday, 11 March 2011

Where the inner 'you' and the world collide

I am continuing my work that explores the way we present ourselves to the world and how the world actually sees us.

I have been using a combination of canvas and masks to create an environment where two worlds (the private you and the rest of the world collide), this is moving on from previous work where I was using the masks themselves as a canvas.

This is one of those areas where I don't think that there is an obvious end point to the exploration. There are potentially endless ways to depict emotion and the environment around us, and it will probably be something I re-visit repeatedly.


Empty Spaces?

The Collective You

Primary School Art Project

 I am very happy to say that yesterday afternoon I completed my first session of an art project at my local primary school. I have always had the idea that I wanted to do a project that was community based and I could think of a better place to start than the school that all my children have attended (and some still do).

when I first started the degree course I invented a game for my first summer project (see dice game blog from 2009) and soon as we had played it I knew that i wanted to try this with various groups of people to see what ideas could be generated  and this opportunity to work with children was ideal to try it out on a grander scale.

Over one very pleasant afternoon I played the game with three groups of fantastic children, who were all very enthusiastic and brimming with imaginative ideas. I have taken their work home with me to photograph and the resulting images and the original work will be returned to school on my next visit. At the end of the project we are going to use all the generated material to create a collage....or at least thats the plan so far.